
Arte e geometria no Renascimento

Bibliografia Andersen, Kirsti. The Geometry of an Art~ The History of thr Mathematical Theory of Perspective from Alberti to Monge. Coxeter, H. S. M. Projective Geometry, 2003 Springer Dürer, Albrecht. Instruction sur la Manière de Mesurer, 1995 Flammarion Paris. Field, J.V. Piero della Francesca — A Mathematitian's Art.Yale University Press Field, J.V. The Invention of Infinity. Mathematics and Art in the Renaissance, 1997 Oxford University Press. Francesca, Piero della. De la Perspective en Peinture. 1998 In Media Res. Gombrich, E. H. The Story of Art. 1972 Phaidon Press. Kemp, Martin. The Science of Art Lavin, Marilyn A. Piero della Francesca- The Fagellation, The University of Chicago Press. Monge, Gaspard. Géométrie Descriptive, 1989 Éditions Jacques Gabay. Ruggeri, Ugo. Dürer, 1979 Editorial O Livro. Wade, David. Geometry & Art, How Mathematics Transformed Art during thr Renaissance, Shelter Harbour Press, New York

